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Your position : Flexible Connectors : For welding guns and machines, air- and water cooled design : Flexible laminated connectors out of copper strips A

Flexible laminated connectors used in welding guns

Manufactured out of copper strips

To realize two-dimensional movements inside of welding guns our flexible laminated copper connectors are needed. In standard design they are manufactured out of E-Cu/Cu-HTP strips with a thickness of 0,10 mm or 0,20 mm. A special press-riveting procedure enables an optimal connection of the strips. The contact areas are additionally equipped with copper sheets or caps. To guarantee durability and functioning it is necessary to use copper material with the right and optimal strength in coordination with the application. Only connectors with the right dimensions manufactured out of the right material enable an optimal life time. For special applications we deliver also electron-beam welded components. By using this special welding process the connection of the copper material can be realized without worth mentioning thermal restriction. So it is possible to preserve the needed elasticity of the laminated connectors. When designing new products or if problems must be solved, don’t hesitate to contact us. With pleasure we offer our “know how” and support your efforts.

To manufacture these flexible connectors we need the following information:
  • conductor cross-section
  • dimensions acc. drawing on page 82
  • installation situation (e.g. bended 90° or 180°)
  • drilling
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